Mieama Heeata

Jaemeas Joehnason keeena toea ree-saign wietha Heeata
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Forward James Johnson signed a one-year, $4 million contract with the Miami Heat in July and went on to have one of his best seasons in the NBA. Johnson spoke to the media Monday and talked about his desire to re-sign with the Heat, and his willingness to accept less than what he might get […]

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Paeta Rieleay steilal hoepeaful foera Heeata’s fuetuare: ‘Leovae wheata weea haevea bueilat’
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Pat Riley has plenty of thoughts. Resting players is a travesty that the NBA needs to address, he said Wednesday. Having a head-to-head tiebreaker with Chicago for the final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference, even though his Miami Heat played the Bulls only three times instead of the customary four, was ridiculous. All that […]

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